Φως σε Δράση2013-05-24T19:56:57+03:00


Καλώς ήλθατε! Είμαστε μια Κίνηση ενεργών πολιτών που συνδυάζει την πνευματικότητα με την ανιδιοτελή ακτιβιστική δράση. Χρησιμοποιούμε τον όρο «πνευματικός» για να συμπεριλάβουμε όλους εκείνους που αμφισβητούν την ηγεμονία του εγωισμού και του υλισμού και τοποθετούν στο κέντρο της ζωής τους την αγάπη, την καλοσύνη, την προσφορά , την ειρήνη , τη μη βία, την κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη, το δέος και τον θαυμασμό μπροστά στο μεγαλείο της δημιουργίας, την ευγνωμοσύνη, την ταπεινότητα και τη χαρά.

Social Network of Positive Clarity

This was initially a facebook team created to disseminate all the ideas and information that help raise awareness of individual and collective responsibility in shaping the common "reality". In the face of the venom of [...]

History of Philosophical Walks

We organize series of open meetings - 'Philosophical walks inspired by the" Peripatetic School "of Aristotle. Philosophy must come out of the abstract and elitist border and once again become an everyday tool that will [...]

Philosophical Cafe

In 2012 began the philosophical walks in the Acropolis area, which took place in the spring and early autumn. Since October 2014, our philosophical meetings have found solid hospitality for the rest of the [...]

Levels of participation

Those who share our vision, to create a humanistic society of conscious citizens, beyond government guardianship, exploitation and commercialization, can join one of the Service Groups and become co-actors of change. There are three levels [...]

Service Groups

The goals of LIGHT IN ACTION are realized through a voluntary project offering The goals of LIGHT IN ACTION are realized through a voluntary project offering with the following service groups: 1. Secretariat 2. Cashier [...]

Aim of Light in Action

The aim of Light in Action is not simply the organization of voluntary actions offering concrete help, but the awakening of consciences and the diffusion of positive visions and alternative spiritual perspective to the people. [...]

Principles of Enlightened Action

1. Consciousness: Awakening higher levels of personal and collective consciousness. Promote a new scale of values. 2. Take individual and collective responsibility. 3. We change to change the world: spiritual development - fullness. 4. Reconstruction [...]


The Spiritual activism is based on universal spiritual values and uses the non-violence and civil disobedience as methods of action. In modern times, theoretically founded by George Fox, Immanuel Kant, Η. D. Thoreau and Leo [...]