Φως σε Δράση2013-05-24T19:56:57+03:00


Καλώς ήλθατε! Είμαστε μια Κίνηση ενεργών πολιτών που συνδυάζει την πνευματικότητα με την ανιδιοτελή ακτιβιστική δράση. Χρησιμοποιούμε τον όρο «πνευματικός» για να συμπεριλάβουμε όλους εκείνους που αμφισβητούν την ηγεμονία του εγωισμού και του υλισμού και τοποθετούν στο κέντρο της ζωής τους την αγάπη, την καλοσύνη, την προσφορά , την ειρήνη , τη μη βία, την κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη, το δέος και τον θαυμασμό μπροστά στο μεγαλείο της δημιουργίας, την ευγνωμοσύνη, την ταπεινότητα και τη χαρά.

Statement of Commitment

Spiritual activism is transforming our world and the Spiritual Activist Statement of Commitment is an important tool to unify our efforts and increase our impact. Through this statement, we affirm that [...]

Second Public Meditation

It was successfully held on Sunday 26 June 2016, the 2nd Public Meditation organized by the Movement of Spiritual Activism "LIGHT IN ACTION". Meditation was directed by friend Vassilis Xpolias. [...]

Humanitarian crisis and solidarity

Solidarity against charity - No justice no peace . The Uruguayan journalist, writer, (1940-2015) Eduardo Galeano has said “ I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from [...]

Meditative walk, photos

Full photo galleries can be seen on our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pg/fossedrasi.gr/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1955270688040961

Meditative Walk

The Spiritual Activism Movement "LIGHT IN ACTION" this year combines Public Meditation with the closing ceremony of the Philosophical Cafe and organizes on Sunday, 28 May, a "Meditative Walk" in the Acropolis area. Meeting [...]


Ten years later, the television program “ Introspections ”, is broadcast live by Recconnection Radio ! From Wednesday 18 January and every Wednesday (19.00-21.00) is broadcast live meditating on philosophical and psychological issues, with select [...]

Active NonViolence

  The active non violence is neither passivity, nor fatalism, nor abandonment, nor moderation, nor neutrality, nor cowardliness. On the contrary, it is the defence of justice with courage and decisiveness, disregarding the risk and [...]