18 07, 2017

Escape from the Matrix


QUESTION: What is Matrix in which we live and how will we escape? We often talk about Matrix, the virtual world in which we are trapped, but we do not realize how the web is knit in everyday life ... The consequence of this misunderstanding is life imprisonment. But is the situation so desperate? [...]

Escape from the Matrix2017-07-18T10:59:22+03:00
17 07, 2017

When Eutopia will be realised ?


QUESTION: "Reading your vision about the new awaking man and the Eutopian society, I consider that will take years even to approach this noble objective, given the current situation. What do you think? " What is important is not when our vision will be worldwide realized (which will inevitably happen sooner or later) but the [...]

When Eutopia will be realised ?2017-08-01T22:37:45+03:00
9 07, 2017

Who can be considered a “spiritual activist” and what is different from the simple activist?


Spiritual activists of "Light in Action" include both religious people and independent esoteric seekers, as well as atheists, who are essentially spiritual. We use the term "spiritual" to include all those whose deeper values have led them to challenge the hegemony of selfishness and materialism that extolled people into a frantic quest for profit and [...]

Who can be considered a “spiritual activist” and what is different from the simple activist?2017-07-09T09:11:44+03:00
7 06, 2015

What is the profit for anyone who is involved in the LIGHT ACTION movement?


1)Transpersonal Purpose and Meaning: Performing the individual Dharma (Moral duty) as a Conscious Human being and Responsible Citizen. "The ultimate goal of Spiritual activism is to unconditionally increase the understanding and support of Humanity, with no exceptions. This achievement is greater than any individual. There is real integration to serving the humanistic and spiritual issues”.- [...]

What is the profit for anyone who is involved in the LIGHT ACTION movement?2017-07-09T10:18:03+03:00